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IVF Treatment With IUI

Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a treatment for fertility, performed in couples unable to conceive despite trying for at least a year. IUI involves placing sperm in a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization (fusion of egg and sperm). IUI gives the sperm a head start in entering the womb, but will still have to reach and fertilize the egg on its own.

Who Is Suitable For IUI?

IUI is a fertility treatment indicated for couples with conditions such as unexplained infertility, borderline abnormal sperm count or mobility, cervical problems and ejaculation dysfunction.

Intra-Uterine Insemination Procedure

Transvaginal ultrasounds will be conducted around day 12-D15 of your cycle to monitor the development of the eggs and blood tests obtained to check hormone levels. This is called ovulation monitoring either on natural cycle or after medications that induce ovulation.

When the right time is determined Dr Alexander injects the sample of semen that had been prepared at the lab directly into the uterus through a catheter (long tube). After the procedure, you will be asked to remain lying on your back for a few minutes. This entire procedure may cause minimal discomfort and is completed in a short time.

After The Procedure

You will be able to empty the bladder after the procedure.

It is beneficial to have intercourse for couple of days after the procedure, and continue life as normal

Risks And Complications Of IUI

IUI is relatively safe and is not associated with serious complications. However, certain risks may occur such as infection and vaginal bleeding due to the placement of the catheter inside the uterus.

IUI by itself may not be associated with a risk of multiple pregnancies. However, when coupled with ovulation-inducing medication, you are at a higher risk of multiple pregnancies.

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